WATERFALL with glazed finish

Hi friends,

Today’s Waterfall With Glazed Finish lets you imagine your waterfall scene, then draw it, paint it with a mixture of paint and glue, and see a subtle glaze over the water.

Our waterfalls were inspired by recent hikes with friends and the various waterfalls we’ve been so fortunate to see. Check it out it below.

*Click on photos for a closer look

What You'll Need

  1. White Construction Paper

  2. Small Container + 1 TBSP Water

  3. Glue

  4. White Paint

  5. Paint Brush

  6. Pencil

  7. Colored Pencils


  1. Turn your paper vertically and draw a waterfall from the right or left side.

  2. Draw rocks, trees, plants, sun, etc.for your forrest setting.


  1. Color your forrest setting, including the waterfall.

  2. In the container mix 1 TBSP water and equal parts white paint and glue.

  3. Paint the entire waterfall with the mixture and set it aside to dry for 20-25 minutes.

That’s it!

The waterfalls looked amazing while wet, when they dried the finish was smooth and subtle. Using glossy Mod Podge would result in a shinier finish.

Happy crafting

Amanda and Naomi

To share: take a photo of your craft, click on PHOTO SUBMISSION on the upper right, and submit.

We’ll share it with everyone here!