Mosaic Skyscraper

Hi friends,

Did you all recover from your sugar rushes and time change this weekend? How about welcoming a new month aka turkey month? I hear people are eager to put Christmas decor up now instead of after Thanksgiving. As much as we love Christmas, we can’t bring ourselves to rush through the fall season. We have to give each season/holiday it’s own time. So, although this isn’t turkey-related, it is definitely fall colored and fun. You could use any color combo as long as you have darks and lights. It can be made following a pattern or randomly placing the pieces down. Naomi followed a pattern, while I took the random approach, then we glued them down. Spacing widths are also another way to get different looks. Check out our simple mosaic skyscrapers and a few options for your completed craft below.

*Click on photos for closer look


What You'll Need

  1. Construction Paper (Dk Orange, Lt Orange, White)

  2. Grey/Tan Paper or Scribble Pad Paper

  3. Scissors

  4. Glue


The Steps


We chose to glue the rectangles onto white paper.

1.Fold your papers in half and cut. Set aside the 2nd halves.

2. Fold your halves once again, lengthwise.

3. Fold a third time, into narrow strips.

We only used half of each page for the both of us.

4. Fold the strips in half, 3 times, until you have small rectangles.

5. Unfold the sheets, you’ll have 32 rectangles per sheet.

6. Fold the papers back up 1-2 times to make cutting quicker.

You only need about half of each color per full sheet.

7. Cut each paper until you have all the rectangles.

8. Add glue to your white paper and begin to put your pieces down.

Naomi chose to follow a pattern and left large spaces in between. I placed the pieces randomly and left smaller spaces in between.

9. Continue until you are done with your paper.

That’s it!


PLAY- tape or glue to a small box to stand it up. If you create more, you can have a city or tape them all around 1 box for a 3D effect.

DECOR- These could be framed. You could create a gallery wall of your kiddo’s creations in these colors or multiple ones.

COMBO- Use a clear container, tape the skyscraper/s onto the container add some battery operated candles/lights. The kids can use them for play, a cool decor item, or even a night light (shown below).

Fun option with a clear container and battery operated lights!

My skyscraper on the left, Naomi’s on the right.


Happy crafting!

Amanda and Naomi

To share: take a photo of your craft and let us see it! Click on photo submission and submit the photo.