Ad Insert Turkeys

Hi friends,

Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away, though I’m not sure what it will look like this year. You’ve probably gotten coupons and ad inserts in your mail highlighting the upcoming festivities. I love seeing the Thanksgiving spreads & decor (eventually the Christmas ones) for ideas, but mostly for their beauty. My kiddos only look for the Christmas inserts and the very “important” things they’d like to have. Lol. When we’re not looking through them, we save them for window cleaning or crafting needs.

I pulled out a few inserts with the specific colors we needed and worked on our turkeys. We got to repurpose the paper and get color variance with free stuff! We’ll show you how we created them and a few ways to display them. Check it out below!

*Click on photos for closer look


What You'll Need

  1. Paper Plate

  2. Construction Paper (Brown, Tan/Ivory, Lt. Orange, Dk. Orange)

  3. Advertisement Inserts/Magazine Pages

  4. Scissors

  5. Pencil

  6. Round Container(similar in size to the center part of the plate)

  7. Glue


The Steps

  1. Draw a 1-inch line on the ridged area to the start of the center circle/flat area.

  2. Count out 12 notches/ridges to the right, make a 2nd line. Repeat on the left side.

  3. Cut along those lines and right under the center circle.

4. Trace the container on the brown paper and cut out.

5. Add glue from mid to lower part of the plate.

6. Press the brown circle down but make sure to leave the edges unglued.

Naomi chose to cut each side individually. I folded the papers and cut long & narrow tear drops, for more uniform feathers.

7. Cut out plenty of feathers from the solid colored paper and from the advertisements.

Naomi’s turkey on the left, mine next to hers.

8. Add glue to the outer parts of the *plate and begin layering your feathers.

*You can leave some white exposed by gluing the feathers a little lower or gluing further out to conceal the white.

9. Cut out white eyeballs, black pupils, an orange beak, and a red wattle(the fleshy/bumpy skin) from the advertisements and glue on.

That’s it!

Here we have our turkeys leaning against a tiny wood stump.

Festive turkeys by the pumpkins.

And to create SELF STANDING or HANGING turkeys:

Self Standing- Find 3 small pebbles, tan/yellow preferably, and hot glue(adult help) 2 to the front for feet and *1 in the back for balance. *If you plan to hang with the feet, the 3rd pebble isn’t necessary.

Hanging- Punch 2 holes on the edge and feed some twine/string through. Knot and hang!

These would be cute on the kid’s table! Kiddos can make these while the adults do the other stuff.

Did you all have to sit at the kid’s table growing up?! We did lol. It was hardly as festive as the grown-ups table. Maybe I’m one of the few who noticed or cared about that kind of stuff haha.

Happy crafting!

Amanda and Naomi

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