Hi friends
Today’s Fluffy Ducklings are cute reminders of spring and new life.
They can be painted with yellows, browns, or your favorite color. Check it out below.
*Click on photos for a closer look
What You'll Need
White Construction Paper
Dark & Light Yellow Paints
Wide Paint Brush
White Pen
Markers: Pink, Tan, Orange, Black
The Steps
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Turn your paper horizontally, fold it in half, and then cut it.
Using your brush, pounce the darker yellow onto the paper, creating a small head.
For other color options, add the darker color first.
Repeat with more yellow to create a large round body.
3. Next, pounce over the dark yellow with the lighter yellow and let it dry for 8-10 minutes.
Use the black marker to draw the eye(oval or round) and the white pen for the white part of the eyes.
Use the pink marker for the rosy cheeks and the orange & tan markers for the upper/lower bill.
Lastly, draw the webbed feet: standing with legs or sitting with the feet against the body.
That’s it!
Happy crafting
Amanda and Naomi
To share: take a photo of your craft, click on PHOTO SUBMISSION on the upper right, and submit.
We’ll share it with everyone here!