“I Ain't LION…” Cards for Mom & Grandma

Hi friends,

We have cute Mother’s Day cards for your kiddos to make, featuring a big-maned lion.

They can keep it simple or add ears, tiny paws, and a tail on the back. Then have them write: “I ain’t LION______, name/term of endearment, you’re my MANE squeeze!

Make sure your child leaves a personal message too. Check out these Mother’s Day cards, we ain’t lion, they’re cute!

*Click on photos for a closer look

What You'll Need

  1. (1) Sheet Tan, Orange, and Yellow Construction Papers

  2. (1 + 1/4) Sheet Sketch Pad Paper(pale tan)

  3. Pencil

  4. Pens

  5. Scissors

  6. Glue

  7. Large Mug

The Steps


  1. Fold the sketch pad paper(pale tan) into fourths, then glue half together. Set it aside temporarily.


  1. Fold the tan paper into fourths and trace a large/small circle(face).

    a. Unfold the paper, cut out the circle, and draw the features before tracing them with a black pen. Reserve the leftover paper.


  1. Fold the orange, yellow, and pale tan sheets into fourths, then cut 1/4 sections out of each sheet.

    a. Use 1/4 section of the previously used tan paper(darker color).

  2. Fold each 1/4 section into fourths and cut short strips(4 colors total).

  3. Flip the face over and layer the colored strips around the circle.

    Optional: Cut out small domed ears from the tan paper and glue them to the top of the head.


  1. Fold the pale tan paper in half to create the card, at the bottom of the write:

    I ain’t LION_______(name/term of endearment), and trace it with pens/markers.

    Optional: If you plan to include paws, draw them right above the message or cut them out of tan paper and glue them right above the message.

  2. Add glue to the back of the circle and press it down firmly above the wording.

  3. On the inside of the card write: you’re my MANE squeeze! A drawing and personal message can be added.

    Optional: Draw a tail on the back or create one and glue it on.

That’s it!

Matthias was my crafting buddy again : ) We kept our cards simple, but still so cute.

Gift ideas: This cute card paired with a steakhouse gift card, a zoo outing, and/or a beautiful tropical plant.

Happy crafting

Amanda and Naomi

To share: take a photo of your craft and let us see it! Click on photo submission and submit.