Memorial Day Fireworks

Hi friends,

We’re using grass blades again for painting, but this time, we’ll be making unique fireworks! We’ll use colored paper, red, white, & blue paints, and a marker for an easy Memorial Day activity. Check out our fireworks below.

*Click on photos for a closer look


What You'll Need

  1. Blue Paper

  2. Red, White, Blue Craft Paints

  3. Bunches of Wrapped Grass

  4. Marker

  5. Plate/Paint Tray

Optional: Table Cover, Pencil


The Steps

  1. Squirt a bit of each paint onto your plate/tray.

  2. Dab the grass bunch into one color and directly onto the paper to create the firework burst.

Naomi only made firework rays.

3. Turn the grass bunch onto its side and dip it into the paint.

4. Go back to the spot on the paper where you dabbed the paint and lay the grass bunch down a few times, to create the firework rays.

5. Repeat the whole process with different bunches and colors or mix a few colors together.

6. Let the paint dry for about 10 minutes.

7. Find an open space/s to write HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!

That’s it!

Happy crafting!

Amanda and Naomi

To share: take a photo of your craft and let us see it! Click on photo submission and submit