Hi friends,
Our Fork Painting: Dandelions & Lavender offer an easy-to-make, spring landscape. Craft paints, a fork, and a narrow brush are all you need. Check it out below.
*Click on photos for a closer look
What You'll Need
White Construction Paper
Paint Brush
Grey(or mix your own), Green, Brown, & Purple Craft Paints
Paint Tray
Table Cover/Newspaper
The Steps
If you don’t have grey, mix your own with white paint and a tiny bit of black.
Use a brush to dab brown paint about the size of a pea, repeat for all the dandelions.
2. Dip your fork into the grey paint and press down/slide over the brown area multiple times until you get the round puffball. Repeat for each dandelion.
For wind-blown seeds, use only 1 tine with grey paint and 1 dot of brown.
With a narrow brush make green stems for the flowers and add grass to the bottom.
We used multiple greens.
Dab a clean fork into the purple paint/s.
Create the lavender stalks by pressing the tips of the fork multiple times over a blade of grass. Repeat as many times as you’d like.
Let the painting dry for about 10 -15 minutes.
That’s it!
These came out so well : )
I asked Naomi to go find me a dandelion puffball or two. She only found one, but to my surprise, that dandelion she brought had a little spotted guy in tow!
Happy crafting!
Amanda and Naomi
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