"How Do I Love Thee?" Heart

Hi friends,

Today we have a simple Valentine’s craft with just a few supplies needed. We got our inspiration from the Elizabeth Barrett Browning poem, “How Do I Love Thee”, in which she describes her feelings for her loved one. In the past, I have done something similar for my kids. I’d either write an encouraging/affirmative word each day on a sticky note or lots of words on a paper heart doily and add it to their door. Then on Valentine’s day we usually give them a small gift/treat with a card expressing our love and appreciation for them. We created a similar opportunity today by making a cute heart and writing in 14 ways we appreciate, admire, or love someone. It’s just as sweet and meaningful for a friend, neighbor or teacher. At the end we give you a few ideas on how you can use this craft in different ways. Check it out below!

*Click on photos for closer look


What You'll Need

  1. White Construction Paper

  2. Pencil

  3. Color Pencils

  4. Markers

    optional: Ruler


The Steps

  1. Draw your heart in pencil.

  2. Trace the heart with a marker in 1 color or multiple.

3. With pencil, write on the upper portion of the paper, “How do I love thee?” and on the lower part, “Let me count the ways…”.

4. Trace over the pencil with a marker/s.

5. You can use the ruler and pencil to add 14 lines diagonally, in a starburst, or sporadically like Naomi (below).

6. Trace over the lines with a marker and fill in the ways you admire or like about the person.

optional: You may use the color pencils to color in the heart (I filled it in lightly with pink) or either of the coloring tools to create other designs like Naomi did (border in light pink marker).

That’s it!

*A few other ideas on how you could use this craft- create a card with a folded piece of construction paper and draw the heart on the outer side, personalize a gift bag by drawing the heart onto a solid craft bag or brighten your child’s day by placing one heart on each of your child’s doors with all the things YOU admire about THEM!

Whatever you decide, the recipient is going to love the kind words you used to describe them.

Happy crafting!

Amanda and Naomi

To share: take a photo of your craft click on photo submission and submit the photo