SNOWMANY Smiles: Snowman Craft

Hi friends!

Micah is joining us today. He’d been asking when he could help out again, due to sickness in our home, today is the day. Its taken most of us out one at a time; including Naomi. This little guy got sick last Sunday, was knocked out for 2 days straight and is still dealing with residual effects. In that time period, little M got sick as well but not as bad; Naomi caught the cold/virus and was knocked out herself for 2 days, and now mama is joining the team. We smile but it pains us haha.

We created cute snowmen with potato flakes, glitter, twigs, and a few more items. Except for the cold temp outside, these were easy and pain-free lol Check out the SO MANY, SNOWMAN-Y SMILES craft below.

*Click on photos for closer look

What You'll Need

  1. Heavyweight White Construction Paper

  2. Glue

  3. Potato Flakes

  4. Glitter (silver/iridescent)

  5. Felt

  6. 1 Black Pipe Cleaner (not shown)

  7. Twigs

  8. Scissors

  9. Pencil

  10. 3 Round Containers in Varying Sizes (not shown)

    optional: Small Mixing Container, Wipes, Cookie Sheet or Disposable Pan, Crayons/Markers


The Steps

  1. Decide if you would like a vertical/horizontal facing paper and start with the largest container at the bottom.

  2. Trace each following container, overlapping a bit or right at the top of the circle.

3. Break your twigs down to size and glue on with a generous amount of glue.

4. Use a small container or the circle ones and add a bit of flakes, about 3-4 TBSP.

5. Add 1 or both types of glitter to the flakes and mix with the pencil or scissors. OR add AFTER the flakes are glued on.

The potato flakes create the textured look of ice and glitter gives the snowman that glistening-in-the-sun look you see on the ice.

Micah chose both glitters and I opted for the iridescent.

6. Add a generous amount of glue all over the snowman and the twigs on its body.

7. Sprinkle the flakes/glitter combo on the head of the snowman and carefully tilt the paper down over the sheet/pan to spread the flakes and catch the falling ones. Continue until it is all covered. If necessary, use the flakes from the pan.

optional: add more glue to the snowman and sprinkle extra glitter.

8. Cut out 2 eyes, a nose and smile from the pipe cleaner.

9. Glue on to the face and hold down temporarily.


Top Hat: Cut out a rectangle, fold in half and make a cut 1/4 inch up from the bottom and 1/4 inch in. Then cut up until you reach the top of the rectangle. Remove the cut piece and glue on.

Pointy Beanie/Elf Hat: Cut out a triangle wide enough for the snowman’s head, then cut a rounded edge at the bottom. Glue one. (shown further down)


Cut a long rectangular piece of felt about 3.5 inches X 1/2 inch. Cut a smaller piece, about 1 inch long. Leave as is or cut small notches to create tassels.

Add glue in a backwards >>> y <<< position. Lay the smaller piece down near the edge of the neck, then the larger piece on the neck and overlapping the smaller piece.

With a pencil write either of these messages, “SNOWMANY SMILES”, “SNOW-MANY SMILES”, or “SNOWMAN-Y SMILES”

Fill in with crayons or markers and let dry completely for 30 min.

That’s it!


Happy crafting!

Amanda, Micah, and Naomi

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