Chalk Art Activity

Hi friends,

It’s November, the month we get to pay special attention to our blessings; big and small. It’s intentional, filled with gratitude, and culminates in the Thanksgiving gathering. But hopefully, it'll be something we continue year long in our hearts and actions.

Today’s post is an example of that very thing. The activity was not scheduled for today’s post, but it came about so naturally. We had gone out of town to visit family and stopped by a park we frequent there. There weren’t many people either as kids were still in school. It was a beautiful day; warm, slightly breezy, and perfect for playtime. Micah, our five year old had asked to bring the chalks along, so I agreed. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure he’d use them or could (regulations vary per city/state). We got out, played a bit, and then gradually moved towards the paved areas. I dumped out the chalks and sat crisscross on the pavement. One by one; Micah, Naomi, and Matthias took to the chalks. I looked up and saw them working so intently; I immediately felt so much joy and gratitude watching them. I did what any mama does, SNAPPED PHOTOS! I had to document happy, quiet efforts, their work of art and the best: peaceful interaction. Lol So friends, here it is, their chalk art and this mama’s attempt at it haha.

*Click on photos for closer look

What You'll Need

  1. Sidewalk Chalk

  2. Sidewalk/Driveway

optional: Large Paint/Foam Brushes, Wipes


My girl and I having some fun, sun and all :)

The Steps

  1. If you can’t go to a park, your own drive way, sidewalk, or apartment pavement will work.

    *Smooth cement will work better but textured wasn’t so bad for us.

  2. Wipes are great for cleaning off the hands and having fresh ones for the next color blend or artwork.

Naomi chose different blues to create clouds and an ocean.

She used her fingers and eventually her hand to blend the colors.

*Paint brushes or foam brushes work well too.

She also added a pale sun.

Micah started off with a lime green and created some shapes. He later added blue.

Naomi helped him blend.

I created a fall scene with yellow, orange, red, and a few greens. I just can’t get enough.


Here she was testing out some chalks before using them in her art.

Matthias is 2, he was just happy to do what the others were doing.

3D chalk work. Naomi outlined the outer left edges with pink and some of the inner right sides, then blended.

My wobbly November writing in red, orange, yellow, and hot pink. It WAS November 1st, so you know, I had to make sure everyone else knew haha.

That’s it friends!

I was genuinely thrilled that something so simple created this much fun and joy. That 3 out of 4 kids, of differing ages; were involved and that our eldest, patiently watched near us while giving commentary lol It’s no wonder our Hope Boxes bring so much joy, anyone can give one and anyone can use it.

Happy crafting!

Amanda and Naomi

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