Hi friends,
Today’s crazy socks day craft allows YOU to have a virtual spirit day with fun sock colors and crazy details. Check out our craft below!
*Click on photos for a closer look
What You'll Need
Craft Paper
Colored Pencils
Glitter, Pompoms, Confetti, Pipe Cleaners, or Beads
The Steps
Are you one of the cool/brave people who’d wear fun socks to school or work? Maybe mismatched socks or wild ones worn discreetly with pants lol School spirit days, work spirit days, or themed days during Red Ribbon Week could be enough of an excuse to join the fun!
When my oldest two were little, I was in charge of Red Ribbon Week and the themed days that accompanied it. It was exciting to see my kids be less timid than I was growing up, and try some fun styles each day.
SOCK Drawing- transfer method
Turn your paper vertically and fold it in half.
Draw your sock on the right or left side of the paper, taking up as much width as possible, then darken the edges of the sock with the pencil.
Fold the paper in half again, this time with the sock on the inside of the fold and facing down on your workspace.
Your sock will now be facing the opposite side and visible through the back, trace the sock with the pencil.
When you open up your paper you’ll see a copy transferred onto the opposite side, draw those lines in a little darker.
SOCK Design
Color your socks the same color, different colors, or with patterns/designs.
Glue the details to the socks: We added pompoms, star confetti, and cut pipe cleaners.
Naomi went wild with her socks!
3. Last, write CRAZY SOCK DAY!
That’s it!
Naomi added colored soles on her socks.
My socks had stripes, green stitching, and lots of fuzzy pieces(cut pipe cleaners).
Happy crafting!
Amanda and Naomi
To share: take a photo of your craft and let us see it! Click on photo submission and submit