Hi friends,
Today is Presidents Day, so we have a simple thumbprint presidents craft to recognize the mark these presidents made and the prints they left in history. Check it out below.
*Click on photos for closer look
What You'll Need
White Construction Paper
Red, Grey/Silver & Blue Craft Paints
Paint Tray/Disposable Plate
optional: Wipes/Wet rag
The Steps
We’re excited for today few reasons: NO SCHOOL for a week, it’s our 52ND PROJECT COMPLETED, and our 1ST CRAFTING ANNIVERSARY at All About Hope!
In honor of this holiday and milestone reached here, we incorporated our prints into today’s craft. We referenced our very first craft, the Presidents Day Cards, so we could get inspiration from it, and draw similar presidents. It’s really easy, requires little effort, and is all about leaving YOUR print!
Squirt a bit of paint on the tray/plate.
Decide where you’ll create your presidents and press your thumb/finger into the silver paint.
Press your thumb onto the page, somewhere in the center.
4. Apply your second silver print.
I kept mine closer together and in the center of the paper, Naomi applied hers further apart but still centered.
5. Clean your finger, press more thumbprints in the other colors, and as many as you’d like.
6. Let your paper dry for about 10min.
Naomi’s paper is on the left, mine is on the right.
1. Once your paper is dry, use your pencil to write, “Happy Presidents Day!”, wherever you’d like.
2. On the grey prints draw your presidents in pencil:
Mr. Lincoln- add a top hat, beard, bow-tie and coat.
Mr. Washington- add a colonial hat, curly hair, a ruffled shirt, aka shirt with jabot, and coat.
3. With a black marker color in Mr. Lincoln’s hat, bow-tie, and coat. We used a grey marker to outline the beard/hair on both men.
With a blue marker color in Mr. Washington’s hat and coat. You can darken their facial features with a pen or marker too.
4. Lastly, trace over the wording in marker.
That’s it!
Naomi drew buttons down Mr. Lincoln’s shirt, I kept it simple.
Happy crafting!
Amanda and Naomi
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