"School's Out" 3D Craft

3D Art, 3D Craft, Summer Craft, School’s Out Craft, Kid Craft, Tactile Craft

Hi Friends!

SCHOOL IS OUT!!! Let’s just enjoy that for a bit. For some, summer school/programs may be on the horizon, including two of our kiddos but we’ve enjoyed later bedtimes and a few late start mornings. Although we don’t want to get trapped in that routine and sleep away our summer, it HAS been nice. We decided to do a craft representing some of the fun summer activities we’ve done before and some we hope to do again. But don’t limit yourself to what we have, your child can add whatever they’d like: water skiing, hula hooping, jump roping, carnival visit, traveling, amusement park, educational program, etc. and then work in tactile items.

This craft only needs a few items and you can get as creative as you want. It also does not need to have the same tactile items as ours, you can try: Q-tips, cut straws, dry pasta, twigs, tiny stones, sand, cloth, etc.

Check it out below!

Click on photos for closer look


What You'll Need

  • White Construction Paper

  • Glue

  • Crayons

  • Craft Sticks

  • Toothpicks

  • String/Colored Twine

  • Scissors

    optional: Markers or Color Pencils, Crayon Sharpener, Pencil


The Steps

  1. Decide which message you’d like: “School’s Out!” or “School’s Out 4 Summer”

2. Write the message out and then proceed with drawing your activities.

Naomi decided to create a school bus out of the “School’s Out” phrase and then draw a campsite.

Here, Naomi broke a craft stick to form the firewood.

3. Use the tactile items with the drawings to create a raised or 3D effect. Glue on.

I chose different activities like kite flying, beach time, camping and skating. Of course summer wouldn’t be complete without Popsicle’s.

I used the string to create a few things like this sun. I applied a quarter sized amount of glue and wound the string around.

4. Let it dry 5-10 min.

That’s it!

Happy crafting

Amanda and Naomi

To share: take a photo of your craft click on photo submission and submit the photo.