Hi friends!
The weather has been warmer, flowers and plants are blooming, and our very own garden is growing wonderfully! Today we’re making the little, but mighty garden workers: the bumble bee. It’s a super easy, emoji bumble bee mobile!
Check it out below.
*Click on photos for closer look
What You'll Need
Yellow Poster Board or Cardstock
Black Felt
1 Black Pipe Cleaner
Pencil, Black Pen & Marker
Parchment Paper
Pushpin or Toothpick
Twine or String
optional : Large Mug for Tracing, Yellow & Black construction Paper Can be Swapped in for Poster Board & Felt.
The Steps
Naomi and I created 2 different bees, a forward facing and side facing bee.
The details are below.
STORY TIME: Hubby planted sunflowers and a wild flower mix next to the veggie garden, in hopes of attracting bees and humming birds. Which I didn’t know was intentional and meant to attract bees to pollinate the garden(I don’t garden).Though homegrown produce is extremely rewarding and satisfying, I’m really just excited about fresh flowers in my home!
Trace the large mug or small bowl for the bee’s body. You can make a complete circle or leave a 2 in. gap and then form the bees pointer. You can also add it with felt later.
I added the pointer, Naomi did it with felt only.
Cut out the eyes: round, diamond, heart, rainbow, etc. and mouth.
Cut out the stripes: thick, thin, or a combo plus the pointer.
Glue them all on.
5. Draw 1 beehive shape, cut out and then trace 4-6 times before cutting out. Naomi chose to draw a few honeypots as well. Trace with a pen to define lines(not shown).
6. Cut out round or oval wings from the parchment paper and draw a waffle or branch design with the marker/permanent pen. optional: Trace the outer edges.
7. Glue the wings on to the back side: on the sides of the forward facing bee or together on the side facing bee.
8. Cut 2 small pieces of pipe cleaner for the antennas and a few strings for the beehives/honeypots.
I cut 3 strings and Naomi cut 1 longer one to create a loop.
9. Use the toothpick or pushpin to create 2 large holes (push though & wiggle around) for the antennas at the top and 2 holes for the twine at the bottom.
10. Feed the pipe cleaners through, leave a bit out, twist the end to the longer part and then curl the upper parts. Then add the twine at the bottom.
11. Lastly poke holes through each cutout, feed through the string/twine and knot at the end.
That’s it!
Hang your mobile and enjoy a sting free bee.
Happy crafting friends!
Amanda and Naomi
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